you and I are coated in the sticky sweet filter
that helps us/then get through our days
you know the one
the wake up at 5 to run to be fit for the dream
to head out onto congested highways
to sit crouched in a physically confining space assisting those the system smiles upon
who flow from one town to the next
where their fancy leads
reappropriating homes and livelihoods because that's how it's been since fuck all
never questioning why it's all so simple
while they have to look away from the neck under the knee
while we quelch our spirit, drive, and voice
to make a rich man richer
those who were handed their privilege
the day they drew breath under that ruddied pallid hue
who could never imagine or fathom to comprehend what it would be to want
to be criminalized at sight
to work harder and be better than others but be paid less
to be inherently poor as the system sought it to be
the poor are the foundation this system was built on
and which also so ardently pays us with its disenfranchisement, violence, and neglect
but we work that job
we spend those dollars
we forget to remember because it's survival technique of compartmentalization has us kneeling to the cross
hand over heart
in line for a bite of that burger
I'm here
buying that latte
but what about the international communities forced to have their land bear our fruit
draining their water supplies
and they never get a taste
they are left in drought and despair
while I buy that bar of chocolate
driving my car
but what about the wars fought to slaughter innocents for the slick black blood graying the sky
and that man
and that woman
are murdered
simply because their beauty
their blackness is feared
I'm coated
while those women are raped
children are slaves
children in cages
they fear the simplicity
they fear it was all so simple and perfect
the indigenous ways
over thought to death by pillaging by raping all by force
believe divine right
by force
but we're the savages while they rape and murder and hang and cage and beat and torment and enslave
but I watch the shows
I buy the beer
I attempt to find the bliss
the coating runs thin under the blaze of realization
the coating lays in a pool at the feet of the conscious
to be your mirror until you jump out of its murk
what will it take to shatter the archaic coating of the fearful the hateful and the privileged
what will it take for us to see our lives are set up to hate ourselves and want what they have
dont let them win.