within the yearning of common carnal frivolity
sheerly veiled passages are tightly woven
where energies filter in and through
taking this perception's journey to worlds
once lost and feral
those who've come to be part of the ebbing
allowed recess into these forgotten spaces
to knot the measures of their communing
connecting the combed through
with ubiquitous graceless urgency
the others in muted frustration
as the figurehead lies resolute in abandon and disregard
another passed over where relating is made small
there is nothing here to take from
nothing assumed
effortless neglect makes bodies recoil
and rescind into self-satisfying abuses
as endearments slink lank into the daily beat
exhausted by the hardened walls
of what wouldn't be right
and what could possibly be wrong
left dreaming of the dilapidated definites
at the approach of cumbersome scaffolding
let's reach through the cracked facade
to massage the hearts of the grizzled
take these hardened vessels
soak them in the enthusiasm of youthful play
as giddy eyes staring through these windows of invention
to create moments which coat the frigid in reminders
of how it could all be
in the delight of day
convalescing in the dew of gentle mornings
and euphoric waves of evenings' fervent delvings
come meet me under the brilliant warmth
of this raging desire