Thursday, May 19, 2016

"rendered asunder"

taken under
by your manner of slap-dash disregard
base, off the hip thought
constantly filling the air with your hum
The incessant feed of "Me"
What you drown in that drone
What you are so afraid of is nothing
Is Nothing
that Nothing is you
a Nothing so small it has punctured my capacity
struck dumb
left taciturn in the cacophonous apex which was our collision
misplaced in the mundane insignificance of me
the disdain in my awareness aches to the structure of my veil
so sheer
now seeping this acrid bile onto every interaction
instigated by a vile compunction for the means by which we protect our atomic
the tiny which is us
our network
The fearful insignificance which is us all
we all do
tell me Something
a cushion
for the supple manners of day
to breathe
to beat
exhausted by this dissonance
rubbed raw and set alight by the dulling frequency
lashing away at the protective layers
the cognition
the automatic responses
charred stiff
left arid
in this mass of detritus
powdered thick white chalk
glaring in my path
confusing the direction
faltering malfunct
stumbling back over treaded methods
these ashes
coercing traction into the deep despair of disregard


exigent elucidation endeavored
pursuing precursory perceptions

of all  
in all
reverting to where delusions did then carry

rigidly attributing newly acquired traits to understood concepts
radio, wiring, surveillance
rendered immotile
razed by the discord of empiricism versus incident

decisive detached deposing
disengaging defined discernment
I let go

to hold on

constantly on reception

"Now that you've found it, it's gone
Now that you feel it, you don't"