Thursday, April 16, 2020


we are the tyrannous lot
 the dream breakers
 the shackle fasteners
we are the ever entitled
  the spirit corrupters
  the life takers
so illusioned are we
hating the tidal coming for refuge
refuge from the detritus of our power-driven capers
 we cage
 we malnourish
 we torment
 we rape
 we infect
 we let die
and it continues
 on and on
and we watch
  and watch
   and watch

shuttering cold

I had help last night
used as a lure
the flux of energies came
shuttered by

my frame
no space for rest

layers of all
one by one
all of every
loud as life

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

a little life

lines in code writ
awaiting the proper snag
I sink back into the know of me
the every which
way to push the peak down
awkward fractured self
and then all is changed
back to the same old route
the same bothered way of being
I'm am the not
and this
the knotting
it was the echo of all
slamming back to start