Saturday, July 24, 2021


do offer your weakest words

to the healing of flightless birds

encouraging the loss of a binding gag  

where frantic bursts of shrill reminders

sputter out among pressurized dumbfinders

'til the notes settle on 

the intangibility of the dolefully coveted cad

where the self-deluded "wild and free"

vacillate in hollowed strangerly reunion 

forced to witness volumes of insignificant fiction

blow away as ash in the starving of vivifying communion 

the opacity of bliss drenched recollections 

which once flowed steadily in blinding combustible notions 

coating a permeating crown with inner-sight thick as pitch

in a lotus eater's delusion

where witness to this culled chimera 

challenges the now pried eye

back to realities singed sheer and ghostly 

and the coronary passing

laid open pulsing and gushing 

for the commanding and nullifying whipcracked denier

now pushes and pulls and 

eases hand over mouth 

to ensure the palating

of the force-fed numbing and dumbing routine

a religion for the road widen trodders

where moments are seemingly choice

and hearts stop raging

in the turning away from

that which grasps and gasps

buckling forgotten 

amongst lashes of feckless flames

Monday, July 19, 2021

weakest words

in loss of the muted  

where frantic bursts of shrill awareness

sputter out in pressurized cognitive variances

'til the notes settle on

the intangibility of 

coveted caresses

falling short in a hollow 

strangerly hug

speaking volumes

of insignificant fictions 

and denial of vivifying passion

where nothing sticks 

as the bliss drenched recollections 

when the opacity of syrupy notions 

was steady streamed

coating a crown 

to permeate inner sight

lingering long and ecstatic 

now alone in fever fired imaginings 

challenging the prying of eyes

back into betrayed realities

gutted sheer and ghostly 


sighing in whimpers

where other's moments are choice

occupying of mind 

busying of hands

turning away from

that which grasps and gasps

buckling forgotten 

amongst lashes of feckless flames

Friday, June 18, 2021


 a dusky vastness of arid beige

birthed the habitted heads

effigies of a dragged race

elevated through a non-matter

besmirked and luminated in boyscout screen badges

testament to eaches' audience and stake-holders

they set off at speed to an end 

cut from the dreamer's vantage

as neon minions besmirch the approach 

of a singular consciousness

encasing stuffed with writhing echos

sensation of the mundane 

set at incarnadine peaking volumes

where the ligaments ache 

to keep structure in function 

walking the monotonous route

embellished with metaphoric intricacies 

shrilling out the answers 

imperceptible to the ego

though the battle of talking heads 

certain in all their own perception 

with noses pressed hard against tain plated glass

continue to take on cue 

the role best suited for the leeching


Saturday, May 22, 2021


within the yearning of common carnal frivolity 

sheerly veiled passages are tightly woven

where energies filter in and through

taking this perception's journey to worlds 

once lost and feral 

those who've come to be part of the ebbing 

allowed recess into these forgotten spaces

to knot the measures of their communing

connecting the combed through 

with ubiquitous graceless urgency 

the others in muted frustration

as the figurehead lies resolute in abandon and disregard 

another passed over where relating is made small

there is nothing here to take from

nothing assumed 

effortless neglect makes bodies recoil

and rescind into self-satisfying abuses

as endearments slink lank into the daily beat

exhausted by the hardened walls 

of what wouldn't be right 

and what could possibly be wrong

left dreaming of the dilapidated definites

at the approach of cumbersome scaffolding

let's reach through the cracked facade 

to massage the hearts of the grizzled

take these hardened vessels 

soak them in the enthusiasm of youthful play

as giddy eyes staring through these windows of invention

to create moments which coat the frigid in reminders 

of how it could all be 

in the delight of day

convalescing in the dew of gentle mornings

and euphoric waves of evenings' fervent delvings

come meet me under the brilliant warmth 

of this raging desire


I wish I could drag my mattress out into the yard

take a good nap while the weather affords

I've laid down on the concrete path

belt loop stuck my back

Folded my arm overhead to shield from the sun

What a place to lay down

In the absence of shade 

by the winter fig's lack of plume

In shutting my sight

The sun pried open my illuminated jaw

Saw straight through to my current brain

and the last self-satisfying meal

as gently as was intended 

the beam found what was sought

and as my eyes opened and closed

Sun resumed it's tender role

Indoors the cold keeps

I want the warmed winds to touch my cheek

Loosen the furrow in my brow

And send me to sleep

Tomorrow the rains come

I will run in the wet 

And hope to stick the steps

But for now

A shut down and reboot 

While thoughts reamin dulcet and soothing 

The Thickness

Lead notes take the evening toward cacophony 

Sutures from familiar needles thrust weighty thread through the thickest of fabric 

Gathering among the ever directed eager audiences

Varied and poised to splice themselves in 

Composites all played to volume

Flesh-suits on rack 

Queued as the lot step out onto familiar platforms

Convoluted yet repetitious the script and dance

as heavy shadowed hands pull and push

Causing the glimmering facades to shed

as the staged lot scramble to find their next marker

Subtleties fracture these figureheads

and my gratitude goes to the unseen for clipping these tethers

Shoulders relax away from ears

and I am finally able to settle into a muted solitary serenity

A story written by another

Reptile on Stage

quiet in approach with unlocked jaw aimed right at one's worth

then the exchange of bad for worse encapsulates your desperation

mocking the one thing you've uttered revered 

But its all just dripping carcinogens 

the lines afforded from that air of general ubiquitous placating

those without sight, in or fore, would reach there for their speeches 

and often do

generally lost in the haze of how or who will bring that fleeting ego's fix 

while the flatulence of stale attempts leaves one arid and limp

yanked in the mirror 

look into the eyes of the red walls dropping away from one's tangibility

desperate to be rid of that garbage disposal line 

of half country-fried bewilderment 

of almost having made

It's all shit for the pile's height 

breeding ground for the writhing 

soon to have wings for nesting on lower lids

high pressure dousing that good guard away 'til atrophied in all's worst favorited characters

now only audience to the idiocy of the coming grasping and clawing at the storied glint

depicted in fragmented loops now grimed-over and dulled

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Urgent Current

I visited the church of the nonbelievers

where willingly I sat covered in flailing polar agitations 

sputtering in repetitious gestures of humility and flamboyance 

spotlight reverence offered in recognition of a true flame set alight by fable

preciousness lured to a precipice

beckoning relief and preservation 

and the work begins when mouth is offered 

clearing wires now engage 

all piercing deep as a clenched jaw is shot with crackling current 

the bite issued in the darkest of frozen ground 

deep in shadows of towering neglect 

in attempts to infuse an odd and rare flame with conflicting "whips of opinion"

this choral cacophony negates every sense

eyes pierced blind

sounds shrilled to bursting deafness

teeth pulled

tongue removed

hands chopped

sex sewn

the surgery of enlightening 

pulls from the recollective gallery of the mind's theater

words gushing outward in type 

measured by half a revolution of snaking

as a budding flower is plucked

as vase is now grave

as certain as fictions fracture

with movie set sugar glass glory  

the vacancy of real waking action 

honey smeared on shards

delivered in dilapidated definites 

as hot hurried air emanates from the cupidinous

in an attempt to fuse initial charm's glory

into a collection of stained glass 

now grasping at self gratifying rushes 

with every flick of that common tarnished tongue

melting the figurehead iceblock 

oozing unsightly revulsions

pouring from the cracks to fill the hollow of the relieved chimera

delved into any other as anomaly became common

evident vapid now satiates vapid 

sparks the withdrawal and retreat of the odd and rare

set to secure it's singularity in trivial commonalities where the flippant are sure to disregard 

the no longer numbed congregant 

rid of any clutched echoing figments 

rises from the pew

Set to continue to seek the truest unencumbered hour on a revamped stage

the theater groundlings continue to bawk, boo, hiss, ooh, and ahh

and the day begins in a billowy amnesia


My dear, is it not all simply a theater of facades?

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

"Death of a Salesman" aka The Only Fitting Title

it is as the myth of heaven is to the devout

a singular alluring force

as elusive as eventuality 

time nurtured the cynic

sagacity of experience 

bludgeoned the reoccuring flippancy 

a muted violence upon the hopeful

a constant toil to maintain buoyancy 

while attraction's wild nature proved to instill 

the indelible weighted shackles of doubt

ubiquitous credence haunts

and the officiated dissident recoils 

recalling a doctrine no longer fitting 

even as tattered as the currency of its relating

sparks a potential deviation 

to atavistic notions of coital unraveling 

ravaging a once stagnant body

compelling a great hibernation into sheer denial 

a starved creature retreats back

to the sustenanceless throes of delusion

facetiously floating frivolously

above the drag of days to come