Sunday, December 23, 2018


The moon showing me the true state of lunacy
I wish to do you justice in word
Though I am in flux of my many
The variance detectable
I proceed...

You took to Source the question at one and a half revolutions
Returning only to immediately be called back for review
Upon second revival
the weight and shadow of All trailed your beam,
holding in insidious incubation,
having already stolen your core defense at the exit prior
This life presenting ever fluxing clarity with the mirror of existence
This earth providing what the body cannot sustain
Immediately forced to reach beyond
Being both the challenge and the song
Your energies are in constant draw
Constantly searching... seeking
What is sought by the journey is the challenge of outwardly being
On approach the recognition of similar paths etched into and left in shaded chill
now touched by this lifelight
How the portals surround and illuminate the deepest crags of my experience
Unwittingly caught by these various gravitational pulls, simply being in your presence,
my rawly exposed pits filled with this light which begs for the break of a cyclic constant
This light pushes
Pushes to challenge
Pushes to feel
to create
to reach
to embody
to play the song
my song
which I've left by the wayside
You needn't recognize what you carry for me
This draw may only be a knock toward the opening within
Though the song will play I have no need to know it's course
Here and now and moment to moment
The intensities of similarities afford a satisfying release
As if I've found myself in male form able to rise to and succeed where I have left for want
This is not envy
It is celebration
Celebration of your existence
Of simply knowing you are.
For now my body calls to rest and heal
I hope to meet you, kindred being, in our other planes
If not in this one
Good morning

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Dark Ages

larvae at the wound
Disregard, her inflictor
live flesh now their course

"This sleep of forgetfulness will not last forever." -Petrarch

"Vote" -Those with the faith the corrupt machine can be made anew using the same parts.